This article is birthed from some thoughts about a new coalition (alliance) of people forming in American. This assembly of diversity reaches across ethnic and gender types. It is all inclusive which qualifies it for consideration as a “Move of God”. Some would ask, “Why?” Generally, speaking the “Moves (movements) of God” have certain characteristics that are common, we (ihlcc) can not name all of them because we don’t boast to have all revelation of the intricate details of God’s Plan around the earth but in our short lifetime (around 50 years) we have seen certain things concerning “Moves of God” transpire before our very own eyes and we have studied some pioneers before us that included the same characteristics. One characteristic of an authentic “Move of God” is that it will most definitely include young people. Remember, Acts 2:17 states, “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions”. This basically proclaims that the next generation will initiate the next “move of God” because God must start with a younger crowd to fulfill the scripture, “He that began a good work will also complete it”-Refer to Philippians 1:6. This means that when God assigns a new move to a younger person it is done by a team that can see it through unto completion. Therefore, the vision to the young man must be written and clear before it is proclaimed, and as soon as it is proclaimed (spoken, preached, taught) all those young people that believe in it will join forces to get the work done. We notice that it said sons (plural) and your daughters (plural) will prophesy which means preach or to proclaim. The word young men shall see “visions” is also plural which means they will have multiple things (plans) going on at the same time. This is not by accident but it is surely according to God’s design because the Lord usually will not fine tune an older movement He will make a drastic change in previous direction so no person will stumble into that direction by accident. Yes, the Lord makes the differences so obvious that older pioneers will have to decide if they want to move in this new direction or stay connected to the older revelation from God. We have heard the statement, “We don’t do it that way” as a statement of holding unto tradition as opposed to following a new “Move of God”. The Lord knows the young men and women are strong and they are not necessarily faithfully tied to the established leaders so it is much easier for them to break away into something new and fresh. The primary reason so many elders don’t immediately see the new “move of God” is because they are entrenched by their former doctrine which speaks a different message. An example in the Old Testament is the difference between King David and King Saul. Remember when God started moving in a new direction concerning the leadership of Israel He definitely used a younger man, namely David, to lead the people (that nation) by both conquest and wisdom. Although, many believed that God anointed David to be the next king of Israel the established authorities (governing body in control) would not yield to God’s Will primarily because they were more comfortable with the leadership of their time. Historically, very few established elders who once led a certain way of God will support the youth of God if they are going in a new direction. This also happened when Jesus came on the scene in the New Testament. Jesus came out of the gates preaching a new message of love and acceptance immediately the established religious leaders claimed he was in error. They simply could not digest that they should adapt their message to blend into the new message of God’s Love through Jesus Christ or abandon (stop) their message of God’s Law of Judgment altogether for the replacement of the new “Move of God” which preaches salvation by grace through faith. That would require humility and meekness to openly accept God’s bigger plan for all people as opposed to just God’s plan for a certain sect of people, namely the Children of Israel. Yes, the Law of Moses was good and right for the Children of Israel but remember that is who it was intended for. However, the Law of Moses was never intended for the Body of Christ. We have our own Law entitled God’s Sweet Love. This new “move of God” started out small inside of one great person (Jesus Christ upon the earth) because of His vision and foresight but now has grown into the universal language of all mankind. Although many do not walk in God’s Love many people have at least heard about loving others, even in various false religions around the world. Although many have not received the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their own personal truth but many have heard about the concept of loving others as you love yourself. This brings us to the second characteristic of an authentic move of God which is it will be all inclusive. We (ihlcc) are not stating that everyone will join in but what we are stating is that everyone will be welcomed to join in. God has always had an open door policy because even in the Old Testament there was provision made for a Gentile to become a Jew when the set procedure was followed strictly. Now in the New Testament all that call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. The Lord does not judge people on the merits of good deeds or the ability of deductive reasoning (intelligence) but simply choses to afford the opportunity of eternal salvation to all men and women upon the earth equally. The Kingdom of God is not built around the will of the citizens but rather it is established upon the sole will of the King with the option of all His citizens to join in this Kingdom of Righteous to stand against the wiles of the devil (the evil one). This all inclusive move of God solicits full participation from the least to the greatest and brings a tower of refuge to all those with no satisfying purpose in life. The pursuit of money is endlessly tiring and the lust of fame has proven to be vanity so the submission to God’s good will is really the only correct (right) choice for any man/woman/boy or girl to make. Thus, it is to our advantage if we follow Jesus as He is following the Father God’s plan of reconciliation of the world unto Himself. This takes us into the third component of an authentic move of God which is Love. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save men from their sins according John 3:14-17. Yes, eternal damnation is inevitable without the Blood of Jesus so all those who choose to reject this awesome plan of salvation will be subject to an eternity of physical pain, emotional despair and mental suffering (torment) in the location of a place called Hell in the center of the earth (at least that is what many biblical scholars believe it to be today). Of course many Christians will boast of knowing that Love is the divine way but fail to pass the love test when placed in front of them during everyday life. We (ihlcc) marvel at so many Christians who purposely choose to walk outside of love when it comes to respecting our fellow man, this disrespect for God’s living creation is discouraging to say the least. We have asked many people in this nation (so called God fearing, Holy Bible believing Christians) to exercise their God given right to love on specific individuals to openly see them react in such a manner that shows they believe those certain individuals are not worthy of their love. Now because some of them know where we are trying to take them they refuse to acknowledge that it is all about “love”. They feel a lot more comfortable finding fault with the individual than to acknowledge that they owe that same individual their love. With God as our witness does not the Holy Bible say in Romans 13:8 state, “Owe no man anything, but to love another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.” Basically this verse is teaching that the debt of love is what we owe all men because as Born Again Christians we have more than enough love to pay towards others in need. Since God is Love that makes Him the source of all Love so we will always receive a re-filling of love the very moment (instant) we give love away to others. We have also seen in Matthew chapter 18 that God through His unfailing compassion (love) forgave others and commanded us, His beloved Children, to do the same or face the judgment of the world in the Court Room of High Heaven. Many Christians don’t understand that love is the paramount theme of the New Testament because Jesus died for the sins of all mankind, not just for all the Christians here in America. It is crucial that we stand strong on our Christian values but we should never place our own Christian values over the message of Christ or blatantly violate the Loving Holy Spirit of Christ. Jesus did not just preach about righteousness (doing right) but He lived an exemplary life that displayed exactly what He believed. Jesus is so much more than the world’s greatest Preacher He is by all standards the divine liver (doer) of God’s Word which is living (operating) on an upper (higher, more spiritual) level entirely. We (ihlcc) are pleading with people all over this land (specifically here in America) to come back to the core message of Christ which is loving others as God loves you because that, and only that, will turn this nation around. Now, what we have laid a foundation for is what we (ihlcc) are seeing in these last days concerning the political divide of America. For sure men’s hearts are failing them for fear of things coming upon the earth.-Refer to Luke 21:25,26 Yes, many born-again believers are moving away from a strong faith in the core message of God’s Great Love because of political reasons which is absolutely ridiculous. This is a trap (ploy) of the wicked one to displace unity with division and at the same time displace peace with strife and displace love with hate for one another. Christians should never be so close to a political party that it clouds their vision of God’s united body of love. I hope we can remember we are a Christian family first.

We must effectively love each other as a Holy Body of Christ
before we can ever spread God’s Love to others outside the Body of Christ.

This is such an important point we will state it again, “If we can’t love our very own brethren how shall we ever love those people outside the family of Christianity?” Specifically speaking any 501c-3 corporation is forbidden by their contract (yes, covenant) with the government not to bias their opinion and/or teaching toward one political group over another. We (ihlcc) believe that God unconditionally loves all people and His message of salvation through Jesus Christ is to all mankind not just one political party over another. We have seen ministers take a strong stand against certain political parties to their own hurt. Many ministers don’t realize that by exposing their passion for politics they have isolated a particular portion of people that call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Is dividing the Body of Christ into political parties an expression of the wisdom of God? We (ihlcc) should think not! Do not be so naïve that you think others aren’t listening to the words you speak and when you damage the reputation of another you are also damning your own reputation before others. Please never think you can say whatever you want to about people whom God loves and be void of (without) any serious consequences. Speaking evil of precious people tears down the work of the Kingdom of God so it is serious business before God whether you realize it or not. Surely, whatever a man sows that shall he also reap according to Galatians 6:7. If you sow discord among the brethren does not God Himself hate this according to Proverbs 6:16-19. There are certainly certain ministers in the Body of Christ that are leaders and pioneers of their day that have purposefully chosen to stand against certain political parties for the sole purpose of holding onto their tradition. They openly (publically) endorse candidates that preach another message than Christianity solely because they hold a certain political position. No, no my brethren this is not right. If one claims to be a devoted Christian why would that same individual tempt Christ by accepting the doctrine of another religion outside of Jesus Christ. Oh we know that many will call upon the religion of Christianity around election time to gain the Christian (evangelical) vote but we should not base our endorsement of any man publically (openly) when we accept the title as the Minister of God. For no man can serve two masters either he will hold to the one and despise the other or he follow the one by rejecting the other. Some will say, “Eric and Angela you are out of line”, but no my family member it is surely you who is out of line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember the Man of God Moses forsook the honor of Egypt choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God as a servant of God. Tell me my beloved brethren how many political affiliations did Jesus have? We should not preach political candidates but rather we should preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Show us the doctrine of the Apostle Paul where he endorsed a specific political party while he preached the Gospel of Christ. Did not Paul as an Apostle of Christ say in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 KJV

1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

We (ihlcc) have seen that certain ministers received a word from God about a specific political party or person several years ago and now (years later) they hold fast to that historical word of knowledge as their foundation forever. This is where we believe there is much error. Prophecy about a certain individual is time stamped to that same individual at (for) that specific time. It is not right to tie a specific word about a specify individual to a whole political party, no more than it being OK to tie a prophecy about Jesus to any common man. If God has a special (specific) word to one of His anointed Pastors that word does not automatically belong to all the sheep under that same pastor. All sheep have God’s Holy Bible for their personal prophecy whereas God’s servants (ministers) sow specific words of prophecy to others so it is only fitting that they will reap some occasional prophecy themselves by another fellow servant of God. Yes, God can tell you one thing for a specific situation at a certain time and change what He said about a different situation at a separate time. Thus, to think that God only speaks once using prophecy and it is established forever is shear foolishness. That type of thinking would put your own personal prophesy on the same level as God’s Holy Written Word. Yes, we see types and shadows in the Holy Word of God but nothing specific about God’s position concerning Republicans, Democrats and/or Independents. The only examples you could biblically tie would be the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Herodians in which all of the teachings of Jesus focused less on their wrong doing and more on the righteousness of God’s Kingdom through the Love of the Heavenly Father God. How a God fearing American Christian could endorse an unbeliever over a confessed believing brethren is questionable at best. We (ihlcc) don’t endorse all the decision of any president, nor will we endorse all the decisions of any party but if you asked us if God can more easily speak to one of His Beloved Children who confess to be a Christian over someone who openly states that they don’t believe it necessary to be a Christian to get to Heaven we would go with the Christian hands down every time without having to pray about it because the principles of God are very clear on this subject. We purpose to use the measuring stick of their demonstration of love over the candidate’s political affiliation. By no means are we endorsing following a man but what we are clearly stating is why would you tied your vote to only one political party when God could very easily anoint the heart of a person apart from the one particular party you generally endorse. Do you now claim to know the future so well before God that every person of your opposing political party is cursed by God because their voter registration. Don’t tell us that every political party gets everything they want because that would not be true but what you need in a good President is a good heart for people (a heart of love) and the wisdom of God on how to mediate affectively between the two dominate political parties which make-up the majority population of America. This election showed us that many conservative Christians are blinded to this current “move of God” because it went against their political parties beliefs. Yes, they are my brethren and we (ihlcc) deeply believe they love God with all their heart but they called it wrong because they were not building upon the foundation of Jesus’ mercy but rather upon the doctrine of God’s Judgment.

James 2:13 EMTV (English Majority Text Version)
For judgment is without mercy to the one who does not show mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

James 2:13 Murdock
For judgment without mercy shall be on him, who hath practised no mercy: by mercy, ye will be raised above judgment.

Many Christian voters have traded in their cloak of prayer in mercy for a front row seat at the courtroom of judgment governed by the religious leader’s interpretation of the Laws of God. Yes, sin is real and judgment may come to those who willfully oppose God’s Way but we are not commissioned to cast judgment upon man on this earth under this dispensation of God’s Great Grace. If God wanted us to preach the judgment of God why would He operate with us according to the mercy of God through Jesus Christ. We (ihlcc) have known for some time that God was helping a specific candidate when he first ran for office dating back to 2007. While watching one of his speeches I could detect the Spirit of the Almighty, inwardly I spoke, “Lord, you are helping this guy!” That was a statement in my heart not expecting any reply. However the Lord spoke back to me to much of my surprise. This is what he said to me around the summer of 2008, “Do you want to know why I am helping him?” (Note: Generally the Lord will ask you questions to see (test) if you are sincerely wanting to learn.) I replied, “Yes, Lord, why?” His answer was so simple and profound that I thought, “Really God is that all there is to it?”. The reason God was helping the candidate that went on to be the President of the United States of America was because “He asked Him (God) for His help”. God is always for righteousness more than He is for a certain candidate and that is exactly why each potential candidate must pass a heart examination before God’s all seeing eyes to even qualify for the Presidency of the United States of America. Let him who can hear, listen and those who can not, do not listen. This is simple, unbelievers do not ask God for His help as opposed to believers in God who do ask God for His divine help. When trying to share this with a fellow believer their reply to me is that they don’t believe in any of that (basically telling me to my face, that my testimony is non-sense to them.) This opened our eyes to the plight of many believers who can’t see the “move of God” due to past teachings from their religious leaders. This bona fide believer happened to go to a church that openly (publically) denounced the candidate that was running for office so a good portion of her information was already biased against this particular candidate rather than being open to the intentions of the specific candidate in regard to the overall goodness for mankind. We have learned since that time not to share these truths openly but rather privately to those who are open for this type of truth. However, after consistently seeing the boldness of many false prophets who said “the challenger” would overthrow the incumbent president in 2012 we (ihlcc) thought not good to continue to be silent on this matter. For the record God is not against a certain party but He is against the sins of mankind because they hurt other people and all political parties have a certain percentage of people who practice sin. Although the Great God of the Universe is against all sin because Jesus Christ paid the price of man’s sins He has the liberty of not dealing with men after (according to) their sins. Yes, the Lord now has the legal right to show mercy and compassion to every man upon the whole earth because of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. This is not just God’s plan but it is also His permanent passion and that is why we chose to love others openly and unconditionally just like our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, to think that one party is more holier than another is false doctrine.

God is very big on people, so it is always better to focus on people
over political associations.

Yes, as I hear in my heart the Democratic party opens its doors to “homosexuals” and even supports government funded abortions. This is true and there are even some groups that the Republican party supports (opens its door to) like “white supremacist” and robbing the less fortunate (with the poor) to pad the pocket books of the rich. All these things are sinful if done with the knowledge of Christ Jesus but what if the individuals have no knowledge of God’s Word? One could boast ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the Law and that works for punishment sentencing here in America but in the Light of God’s Kingdom ignorance of God’s Law gets you extended mercy through God’s Great Grace. Someone will say, but taking life (murder) is more sinful than hating ethnic diversity. Allowing an abortion is not the same thing as preforming the abortion because God allows men to go to hell but He definitely (and personally) doesn’t endorse their decision. We (ihlcc) do not endorse the decision to abort a precious God given baby for the sake of convenience we can not impose our religious convictions upon another soul of dissimilar belief. This is the Democratic position and is this position a sin we (ihlcc) really don’t know and since we don’t know we choose not to act to pious over their position. The Lord knows the heart of all men He knows how to deal with each person. Having a new born again heart cannot be accomplished through government legislation so we simply rely upon the preaching and teaching of God’s Word to make this a better place to live in, inside of Christ Jesus. Each and every person will give an account of themselves to God so why would I want all people to give an account of their actions to me for the purpose of judging them according to my understanding of God. We (ihlcc) do not weigh the measure of sins to determine which sin is greater because only the sin of unbelief in Jesus will cause you to go to Hell, but we will say this, that judging other people can also cause you to go to Hell just as much as a lack love will cause you to miss out on God’s plan for your life. Showing no compassion toward people by judging their actions and refusing the gracious gospel of Christ Jesus can both land a person in Hell so why do either one of them? Now you tell me what is the greater sin, missing Heaven or killing a child in the womb? We are not a judge and jury over your life but you, Jesus and the Father God will determine your fate in life. Our issue is why risk eternal judgment by judging others as unworthy of your love and compassion when you yourself got in solely by God’s love for you while you were yet a sinner. Be sure you understand that God allows you to make the choice if you desire to be saved or go to Hell, so why won’t we allow all men to make the same choices (decisions) in life. Surely even if your heart is right and you force another man to violate their own God given will you are wrong. If you force a birth of an unloved child it may be better to release them to Heaven early than to live in hell upon the earth.

Ecclesiastes 6:3 KJV
If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

Some will say but God could richly bless that child and they could rise up to be a minister. Yes and Amen, my faith filled brethren, but that same individual without an open display of God’s Love through holy parents could rise up to kill many people as an instrument of cruelty following the devils plan for their life. The simple truth is you do not know, therefore why wouldn’t you believe that God is working with the individual according to His Wisdom not yours. We believe God to be God instead of man acting as God when it comes to the issues of life and death. Truly, we don’t endorse abortion but we also refuse to condemn people who have committed the sin of abortion for convenience. We (ihlcc) don’t believe it to be a sin in the instances of rape and incest as many Republicans, Democrats, Independents and ministers agree. Why, because if something is birthed in sin that does not make it godly simply because you think so. If everything born was born by God why would Jesus say, “Some people were born of the will of man and some are born of the will of flesh” in John 1:13. Such teaching that everything born is born of God is man’s attempt to paint everything black and white buy refusing to acknowledge the other colors of the rainbow. Yes, grey is actually a real color by God and even the color grey has different shades to it. If that doctrine was truthful that everything born was born of God how do you explain the birth of the physical giants in the Old Testament. Clearly these creatures were not blessed of the Father God, nor were they originally created by God. These hybrids of Angels and women were birth when certain Angels of God took on flesh and went into women so they were created by (of) the will of the flesh, not from the will of God. Likewise, when King David impregnated Bathsheba the child was cursed through the union of sin this was definitely not God’s will because prayer to God could not help (remedy) the situation. Yes, God could have healed the child but He chose not to because the foundation was sinful and unholy. God is not obligated to put His stamp of approval on man’s created mess, the Lord has only bound Himself to His Holy Word and His Holy Will alone. Therefore it is our (ihlcc) opinion that where cases of rape and incest are present abortion may be permissible before God but each Christian must answer that question for themselves if they find themselves in a situation that requires more revelation on that subject. We approach these situations cautiously in tenderness as opposed to being cold and callous. Ultimately your choice on how you believe you should handle your particular situation is between you and God alone, not some political party or the President. We chose purposefully not to lord our doctrine over other people because we realize we could be wrong or lacking understanding for your specific situation because every situation may be slightly different. At best all we can do is love on all people and be there for them when they need our helping hand. This takes us to the situations with homosexuals (gays and lesbians). We do not endorse that type of lifestyle but we do love the individuals who engage in this type of lifestyle. Yes, they are hurting too and in need of answers and help so why would we withhold our presence and counsel from them because they look at their lifestyle differently. I thank God that through Jesus Christ and Angela I came to see the benefits of a different lifestyle according to God’s Grace through faith. This was not an overnight miracle but rather a diligent journey in which Angela (through the patience and love of God) waited for me softly and soundly until the Light of God’s Love fully penetrated my heart by her gracious example. Angela could of very easily chose to judge me as a heathen unfit for her love by distancing herself from my presence but she through the Love of God and a firm witness of peace in her heart chose to extend her hand of help toward me to lift me up from the mire of sin. Yes, she overlooked my stains of sins by washing the dirty stains with the detergent of God’s Love and mending my wounds with a tender hand of kindness as opposed to pushing me away through harsh judgment. I often wonder if she was unwilling to love me unconditionally would I ever have made it into the Kingdom of God, perhaps yes, both truthfully I don’t know because withholding love could lead to devastating results. I am so glad I will never know because the good news is that she obeyed God back then so that I am now saved in Christ Jesus as a member of the family of God. This is our foundation for ministry because we solely believe in Loving others unto acceptance (salvation) in Christ over hating others unto their rejection of God. This covers some major issues with the Democratic Party so let us now look at some of the sins of the Republican Party for fairness in an effort not to show partiality. Let us start with those who believe in the supremacy of the white race, those who believe in this are haters of their own fellowman whom God created. Many republicans will say I don’t endorse that type of behavior but all Americans could see that the Republican Party doesn’t denounce them either. We find no way to help these hardened individuals outside of loving and praying for them until they desire a change in their heart. Let us also mention the stand of many Republicans that they are the holy messengers of God who stand for only Christian rights according to the Holy Bible. This sounds very similar to the attitude of the Pharisees during the days when Jesus walked the earth. Yes, we should uphold good Christian – Judeo values but does our position in Christ give us the liberty to boast that we are better than others. This sounds very similar to what the Children of Israel did to those nations surrounding them in the Old Covenant. They willfully refused to welcome in others to the goodness of God’s blessing by despising those who were of a different race. Remember how the Samaritans were treated by the Jews according to John 4:9. In the Old Testament God showed His disapproval for this type of pride and arrogance by refusing to bless those with this type of attitude. We could name other major differences but that would be futile and it is our opinion that accentuating the positives of our common ground would be much better indeed. Why not praise God together for our beliefs in Jesus Christ as the Savoir of the World. Why not rather rally the Christian troops to agree together in prayer that Congress would work together in government for the betterment of the American citizens. If the Christians are supposed to lead by example in working together in faith it is no surprise when it comes to politics that our light is faded as a witness to the world due to our divisions and fractions within the Body of Christ. God is not politically red or blue but rather He is All Light in All Love, in One unified Body of Christ. We love all people, both Christian and Non-Christian. We (ihlcc) love all the people who belong to the Republican Political Party, the Democratic Political Party and the Independent Political Party simply because we chose to. We believe them all to be people worthy of God’s Love simply because we were considered worthy of His love for us. This “move of God” in our nation today will only spread when love prevails in the hearts of men over the hate and hurting that is in the world today. Yes, when unity is preferred over division God’s Will will be done. Many Charismatics and Word of Faith Christians pray for a mighty “move of God” including signs, healing, miracles and wonders but a failure to realize that love births these manifestations is a failure to recognize God’s movement in the revivals. God moves well (freely) in love, period, He does not move well outside of love because hate and division greatly hinders His operation. Therefore the “Move of God” will for sure bring out the young people to the forefront, seeking unity through peace motivated by love. We have this happening in the midst of established resistance by proven leadership who refuse to change directions, we (ihlcc) only pray that you would choose the right side to partake of this next “Move of God”. Choose unity and love by refusing to follow those who preach hate and division, this will ensure your right standing in Christ and allow you the gracious opportunity to enter into this next “Move of God” here in America that has the potential of reaching across the world to the glory of God the Father in the matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Just remember the closer you are to everyday hurting people the easier it may be to help them. We would hate to hinder someone chances to coming to Jesus Christ by taking a lofty political position of religious superiority in their eyes. Christians are supposed to represent Christ not the carnality of mere men. The world’s system always does a good job of the representation of man’s carnality (selfishness) apart from Jesus’ love. We must remain true to the nature of God’s Love over the ideal of forcing our religious beliefs over others who don’t share our same Christian heart. We are to prove our Christianity by our love walk not our knowledge of God’s Laws.

1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 KJV
1 . . . Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.
3 But if any man love God, the same is known of him.

It is truly amazing in this “Move of God” that if a black man came into America in the belly of a whale (slave ships outside of God’s Will) that this same black man could now be the leader of one the greatest nations on earth as the President of the United States of America within the comfort and protection of God’s Will. May God continue to bless this nation in the Name of the Father God, His Precious Son Jesus Christ by the overflowing love and compassion of His Holy Spirit. Amen!

Matthew 20:16 KJV
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

I guess some critics could think that God can’t bless this President but we (ihlcc) believe He already has and will continue to do so, simply because the President asked Him to and we asked for God to bless him too in Wonderful Name of Jesus. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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